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Chinese idioms related to Loong, episode 12

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Chinese idioms which related to Loong

Episode 12:  Ren Zhong Zhi Long! 人中之龙 [rén zhōng zhī lóng]!

Ren (人) :  People, Human Being

Zhong (中):  Among  

Zhi (之) :  Of

Long (龙): Loong

Episode 12:  Ren Zhong Zhi Long! 人中之龙 [rén zhōng zhī lóng], means as a  loong among people. It means to describe outstanding and extraordinary talents.

Idiom "Ren Zhong Zhi Long" was first written in a historical book called <Jin Shu> about 1700 years ago. In this book, it describes Song Qian as: The name can be heard but the body can't be seen, and the virtue can be looked up and the shape can't be seen. Now I know that is the loong among the people, talent but humble.

The story was in Jin (East) Dynasty (317 - 420 A.D.) of ancient China. Song Qian lived during a time of political upheaval and cultural flowering in China. His profound understanding of Confucianism and Taoism, coupled with his exceptional talent, made him a highly respected figure among scholars and thinkers.

Not chasing treasure and fame, Song Qian chose a life of solitude and simplicity. He shunned the glitz and glamour of society, preferring instead to spend his days in quiet contemplation and study. His dedication to personal growth and understanding set him apart from the ordinary.

Word of Song Qian's wisdom and character soon spread, attracting seekers from all over. They came to him hoping to learn from his insights and to gain a glimpse of the exceptional qualities that made him stand out. However, Song Qian was a humble man who did not seek praise or accolades. He treated every visitor with kindness and patience, but he never boasted about his own achievements.

Because of his wisdom, humility, and exceptional character, people began to refer to Song Qian as a "loong among men." This phrase not only recognized his rare qualities but also honored him for his dedication to personal growth and understanding.
