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Why I chose ProMa 3D smartphone to take 3D photo works?

scanning: author: from: time:2023-05-10 classify:NEWS
By Zhou Fenghua

As a passionate photography enthusiast, starting from my colleague time, I have always had an eye for capturing unique and beautiful moments. I can still remember the day when I bought my first film SLR camera as my marriage gift to myself, and how much it meant to me. From 2008 and on, my Canon 5D camera with EF lenses ranging from 16 - 300mm became my go-to camera.

Digital killed film, while smartphone is killing the DSLRs.

I used to enjoy capturing landscapes and flora using my bulky Canon 5D, and it made me feel proud. I felt proud too of carrying on my big camera bag, handing on the robust mono-pod, climbing mountains, taking landscape or flora photos, and so on. I called myself as a xingzhe (traveller). But unfortunately, I havent been touching them for many years. Instead, I use phone camera, since it is easy and convenient, and most importantly I am happy with the result. Until recently, I fell in love with 3D photography with my ProMa 3D smartphone. It inspires me to take 3D photos everyday with no matter season. Why?


1. I found out that the picture result is almost as good as DSLRs. At full size display, I do not find much noise on the computer screen. Plus, reviewing my 3D photos is a breeze thanks to the glasses-free 3D screen on my smartphone. Additionally, once I'm done adjusting and editing my photos, I love transferring them onto my 3D tablet where I can fully immerse myself in the photos and enjoy all the depth that 3D provides. So many people love 3D in their entire life time, there are reasons. One of the reasons is there are joy and cheer when we see the 3rd dimension on the screen, the depth. It is like real but better than real. While 2D photos have no that.

2. I do not own a self made 3D camera of 2 DSLRs. Canon 5D is already too heavy and big for many occasions, I have to use mono-pod to take stunning photos. While with 2 DSLRs and robust rig, how it be possible to take photos with hand hold?

3. The lens apart of ProMa 3D smartphone B02 is 15mm. Many people said they are too close to compress depth. In some occasions, Yes! But I would like to say this is perfect for close-up and flora photography. Photo viewing is the opposite path to the photo taking, it shows as we see the real scenery through the camera lenses. The 2 lenses are closer, then it enlarges the depth of close captures. Instead it shows more depth, wow that is enjoyable.

4. I can take photo as close as about 10mm to the objects. It does not compare to expensive macro lens, but it is already good enough for flora photography. I can take stunning photos of tiny and small flowers. This is amazing.

5. Flora photography, there are always some barriers in front of the objects. With big DSLRs cameras there is no room to avoid. While with ProMa 3D smartphone, thin and light, I can easily put the phone ahead of the barriers and take the pictures.

6. Most of photographers love back-lit photos, me too. While one problem of back-lit photography is the sunlight directly to the lens. So you always have to put on lens hood, but some times not enough. While there is no lens hood with ProMa 3D smartphone lens, what I do is to use one hand or a cap to shade the direct sunlight as the other hand to hold and press shutter button.  

7. Final but not the least, it is easy to carry in my pocket, whenever I find nice flowers with good lighting or nice scenery, just take it.

I have taken thousands of 3D flora photos with ProMa 3D smartphone. I posted some of them at Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, received many likes and wows. I always take photos on my way to the office, when it is at good lighting of morning sun light. I would continue to take more and more since I love it. And, I can make good money of it. I would sell my 3D photo collections to an online 3D content platform as a 3D photo library. Hobby makes money too.    

Any camera has its best suitable occasions, I love this ProMa 3D smartphone because it is the best suitable for 3D closeup and flora photography, good result, easy and convenient.
